Entries by ALB1970

The Breaks

Lincoln said tonight that his voice kept stopping today…could this be the start? Reagan is focused on Friday and her birthday but tomorrow she has her braces fitted which I think will take her mind off it? Mommy was so pleased tonight having hosted a VERY successful “egg freezer” support group, she came up with […]

It just made me think

By Aisling Bea My father died when I was three years old and my sister was three months. For years, we thought he had died of some sort of back injury – a story that we had never really investigated because we were just too busy with the Spice Girls and which one we were […]

15 minutes a day

Not sure I mentioned that Jamie got me a new set of Eric Bristow darts for my birthday, something I really wanted and it was great to get them but we were on vacation so I didn’t get to try them until we got home. Firstly I have to say I have been throwing these […]

Sandbach Cricket

We went with Lincoln to Sandbach Cricket Club tonight for the first time and although it was cold the first impression was really good. It is a really nice club everyone seemed nice and most importantly Lincoln liked it.

Can’t feel my leg

Tonight was all about getting things that need to be done, done because we are all tired, Reagan chilled in her bedroom talking to her friends, Mommy and I walked Lincoln to Youthie then while she cooked tea I did a bit of laundry then washed up. I went to throw darts in my shed […]


After a day at work where I finally started to tell my bosses how I feel,when the same old shite was still happening like it was before we went on holiday, I felt good doing it and will definitely be unloading when my employee review happens next month! I would have liked to have discussed […]


Your mind has to be right to overcome adversity and all four of us were facing our biggest challenge for sometime, because we are all suffering from JETLAG! I think I have managed mine quite well, not allowing myself to sleep too much at the wrong time, but sleeping or napping when I felt I […]



Finally made it home at 9am after 3 flights and a taxi ride, we were all very tired and after getting through the door and eating a snack 3 of us were asleep. Lincoln laid on the couch and pulled the electric blanket over him and was asleep almost immediately, Reagan had some toast turned […]


The hardest few hours

No matter how hard it got last night Jamie never laid any of her pain on me because she knew how bad it would make feel. I know she didn’t sleep much, if at all, I heard her sobbing a lot until her body gave up and she was physically sick. I felt her  eventually […]


Another day was never enough!

We started to say our goodbyes tonight 24 hours after we should have said all of them, but even after spending the whole extra day with Grandma, it was never going to be enough. Tomorrow will be the hardest goodbye EVER when, yet again, we have to leave and let go of people we love. […]