Entries by ALB1970

In two places at once?

Tonight was a logistical conundrum sorted out by me picking up Reagan from horse riding after I finished work, Mommy not only had to drop her off earlier once she finished work and leave her there, before taking Lincoln to play cricket at Weston (the coldest ground ever) I needed to go to the Legion […]

Tidy minds

Lincoln has become obsessed with his room and how it looks to the point he has cleaned it tidied it and started buy stuff to make it look like he wants it to, like lights and mouse mat that has leds. This is astonishing as we do not know why it has become such a […]

Be healthy

I did not publish a blog yesterday the first day I haven’t for a few years now, I wrote one, but it was too emotional when I read it back so left it in drafts. I titled it “If I had a pair of wings” because I regretted what I had done earlier in the […]

They call him the streak?

Today is the 16th July and WordPress says I am on a 77 day blogging streak because I missed writing a blog on 30th April so this is going to e back dated just to see if I can repair a streak? So here goes, back to the future!

13 up, almost?

“Next time you see me, I’ll be a teenager!” is how Reagan said goodbye to her mate as she left the house this evening. It was cute and made me realise just how important and exciting becoming a teenager is to her. We just wrapped her most expensive birthday presents ever and then put them […]

U11s v Middlewich match report.

Below is the match summary from last night’s U11s match verses Middlewich CC, Lincoln’s first game for his new club Sandbach CC U11s off to a winning start The junior winning streak has continued! 4 in 4! The under 11s managed to beat Middlewich in a very competitive game. With at least 5 of the […]

Horses & Cricket

Tonight was all about logistics getting both children to their chosen pass times because I was not sure I would be back in time from working in the Wirral but as it turned out I made it back and it was all fine. Reagan went to her rising lesson, and Mommy was able to stay […]

Little Bitch

I was taught a lesson in how to lose an argument with one word. It was harsh, both the lesson and the word which I regret using but I used it and had to make it right even if upto that point Reagan had deserved everything she was getting from her Mom. Hitting is not […]