Entries by ALB1970

As Always?

Jamie was right as always when she said that a printer at work that is broken would play on my mind all weekend because the IT working is what motivates me and gives me purpose in life. I hate that being right but it makes me so frustrated when given the tools I could fix […]


It didn’t come as a shock that every teacher I spoke to during today’s parent teacher zoom calls that Reagan was doing really well at school. Not one of them said a bad word about her and all said she was really studious and doing everything asked of her. It all makes me feel really […]


It’s well documented that my job is likely to become something very different with the introduction of new owners and a practice management system and the latter has started at one of the surgeries. Today we had a meeting called support on boarding and as I suspected we were told that support for the new […]

Alone again or

With Jamie in London Reagan Lincoln and me navigated life on our own, it’s ne er easy and always makes me realise just how much she does for us all! We always miss her but know she is living her best life and always for us not just herself…

A wasted day?

I spent the day more or less doing what I wanted to do, which to most men would be the best day ever, and for me yeh I’ll take a day like that, but today was a Bank Holiday. We don’t get many days to spend together and yesterday was so good I hoped today […]

A lazy Sunday

Spent the day not doing a great deal but managed to do quite a lot, I walked to see me mum while Jamie and the kids were at church then spent a couple of hours weeding the yard. We enjoyed the sunny afternoon laying in the garden after I mowed the lawn and we all […]

King Charles III

Today, we watched the coronation of King Charles III as a family, and I really enjoyed that, plus the British do pomp and pageantry so much better than anyone else.

Unbelievable Geoff

It frightened me yesterday that I literally could not throw a dart and that something I truly love doing was going to be taken away from me. I dreamed about it last night and was desperate to throw a few darts when I got up, ironically I went to me shed before taking Billy and […]

Darting yips

I have noticed that I have a problem with my throw and release, which is annoying, and I am not sure why or when it started? I absolutely love throwing darts, and I am doing it completely for fun, so it would be heartbreaking if I am getting the yips! Today, I set up one […]