Entries by ALB1970


It’s all I want? I think if I went to counselling, rejection would be my cryptonite it would all boil down to that? When people need me I feel great but if they don’t need me the feeling of rejection crushes me. My dad didn’t need me to be happy, he might want me now […]

Safe Sax

As Lincoln’s MPS journey comes to and there are many lasts for him and for Mommy and Me I think all three of us feel somewhat melancholy about all the happy times we have had from taking Reagan for her first day to eventually meeting Lincoln on the school yard on his last day in […]

The last one

As Lincoln comes to the end of his Middlewich Primary School journey we went to watch him at the sports day. Watching him perform was a joy but watching him interact with his friends and team mates as a well rounded human being who is thoughtful, fun loving happy in his own skin yet still […]

Pool can be cruel

We gave Turnpike a lesson tonight thrashing them 9 1 it was a superb performance from all involved, Steventons needed that to boost confidence and moral. Who was the only loser I hear you ask? It does not matter all that matters is the team result, and naming names does not benefit anyone….

Work to live!

Today was a busy day from the moment I woke up to now lay here waiting for data to backup zipup and upload still working not living? You do these things to allow you to do the great things in life like taking Reagan to horse riding then walking around Shaking the Mirror with Billy […]

Elbows and Knees

Sign of the times as I pottered in me shed, doing a little bit more on creating my first window, my phone rang it was Lincoln who had gone to Norman’s Wood on his bike. Dad I may have fallen off my bike and I am now bleeding from my elbows and knees, my immediate […]

Shirley at No:7

An invitation to an open house from a new neighbour always fills me with dread and this evening after picking up Jamie from the station we agreed that we would go for a short time and use the fact that she’d beenaway all week as an excuse to leave. We got home and after a […]

Old friends!

Not sure why or what I was thinking about in last night’s blog but tonight it was all about a friend I have known for many years and who’s company I absolutely love!