Entries by ALB1970

King Arthur

Glamping is still camping, and as we sat in the ‘communal area’ having breakfast, Reagan looking through the pamphlets provided suggested King Arthur’s Laberynth 45 minutes away. This was deemed a good shout, and we arrived there an hour or so later after everyone was ready. Rain never ceased, and I was hoping that there […]

Glamping, it’s still camping!

So a momentous occasion today our youngest child left Primary school for the the last time bringing to an end that chapter of our lives. Lincoln was sad aswell as many of his friends but it was also a happy time too finishing school for the summer, yes there’s apprehension about the future but for […]


Reagan finished year 8 today and drifted off into her summer break spending the afternoon in town with her mates. From what little we heard from the school, she is excelling throughout but she is struggling a little with the unwanted trolling by a certain girl in her year who has chosen to try making […]

So many things

We lost tonight at pool 9 1 you have to take a loss like that no point in crying Jamie Achieving her Acreditation was momentus but tempered by the fact that her job for the last 18 months sort of required it, so even though she has super excelled, she felt a bit of a […]

Accredited, finally

Jamie got the call tonight that she has worked so hard for over the last year or so and I am so FUCKING proud of her.

Not still ill

Bloody typical I feel ok today now I’m back at work, I do have a headache but not suffering the fatigue I have felt over the past couple of days. At work I was asked about a particular job that needed planning and it included working with ‘my nemasis’ not sure thats the best description […]

…and gone, a whole weekend

Not sure what I have but I k ow it’s not energy managed to take Bill went out for lunch and I’m laying here blogging thinking WTF happened to my weekend

Waste of a day

Jamie went out last night and when I finished work I didn’t feel too good, like my energy had been sapped so knowing the kids would be ok I thought I would take a hot bath. The bath just made me relaxed so couple that with no energy I basically went to bed at 8pm, […]

Right off in fact

Todays fooking affirmationI will not let theidiotic fooking behaviorof othersDestroy myinner fooking peaceThey can disrespectfullyFookAll the way off! I saw this tonight on Instagram, and it made me smile but also made me think about how work makes me feel feel sometimes and, in particular, one person at work? You know what it’s ridiculous and […]

Lincoln Dravid

What do Lincoln ‘Dravid’ Forster & Jack Leach have in common….[Answer at the Bottom] Here is a clue, an excerpt from tonights match report “The end of the game was really exciting. We went into the last over with a lead of 7 runs but Holmes Chapel’s premier bowler was brought into the attack. He […]