Entries by ALB1970

Survival mode

I woke up feeling under the weather but brushed it off as hay-fever or possibly a bit of a cold so went to work as normal. I was driving to Congleton and it was like I was struggling to keep the car on the road like I was drowsy and unable to concentrate? I got […]

The 18th November

I think the 18th of November is my date, its my sabbatical date I have been thinking about that date a lot lately, its a way off yet, but it’s on my mind already. I love my life, but I know I can take away one thing and I can love it still, as much […]

Pocket screws

Got two initial frames made for my window openings and bought some 20mm x 119mm wood that will be the facia part of the windows split down by my table saw to 56mm I was going to glue up but I’m now thinking using pocket screws too? I just want the hinges to be robustly […]

Windows 12

So I have really struggled to start building the opening part of my shed window, not least because I did not know what hinges I would use. Once I knew that, then I could make the frame but using the caliper type openers like Jamie’s meant a lot of router work even then may not […]

It’s Tik Tok

The beautiful homecoming we have longed for and Reagan is centre of attention recounting stories from her adventure to Hamburg with MCC youth she sat there perched on a chair eating cereal, we were all listening with baited breathe…and she turns on Tiktok? I hope the trip was great but its late I’m tired you […]

The gym

Sat in the café of the new leisure centre in Congleton feeling so utterly out of place and frustrated that yet again Middlewich has been overlooked. It is a really nice facility with lots of amenities including a pool gym and spa and although it is right up Jamie’s street I am here to swim […]

The Mask

We all wear masks to put out to others who we want to be in their eyes, and forget who we really are because it might not be perfect? Lincoln got to choose the film whole his sister was away in Germany and when he suggested The Mask we were all happy full of steak […]

Spread your wings

Reagan left this morning for Germany her first foreign trip on her own, another sign she is growing up far too quick. The trip was organised by the church as an introduction to the youth of missionary work by packing light and still being able to enjoy She was nervous about leaving us but also […]

GDPR Breach

Like yesterday ended today began and people were still losing their shit over a problem that has been there for months. Easy enough to cure but takes time to configure but no need to panic!

Can’t do right…?

Always a great day if Mommy is coming home and I for one always look forward to seeing her, Lincoln does too but a short trip like this one when he’s asleep on the couch he s OK staying home while I go to the station to get her. Reagan on the other hand has […]