Entries by ALB1970

Mancave / Shed / moving on

After a whole week off work, pottering in the garden and working on me shed has moved the whole project on so much with the interior now fully panelled out, and the guttering attached. The rainwater now needs to be temporarily managed until I can get a pipe running the full length of Jamie’s office […]


We did Halloween stuff this afternoon supporting a freind who runs Greg’s in Crewe and really promoting the season supplying pumpkins for kids to carve, we were worried Reagan and Lincoln might have been too old but oh no… They loved it and it was good to catch up with Helena and hear her story […]

Look its a CD

Facininating watching Reagan tonight open her very first CD and how amazed she was when she took the cellophane of and opened the box. No idea how to take the CD out so proceeded to take out the cover and was blown away discovering a lyric sheet and a poster, just things we 30 years […]

Living my best life

A lay in till 9am, Billy, then breakfast followed by all day in the garden panelling out the rest of my shed…love it! I could have easily spent £60+ on plywood but decided to see what I already had and either made it good with me table and mitre saws or chopped it up to […]

Pottering is the best

I loved pottering in the garden today I got so much done including tidying all the wood I had surrounding me shed and utilising any that was not water damaged to panel the inside of gable end. I also utilised as much of Celotex insulation to cover the intended opening for the window, Anything that […]

Love is…

As we sat in me shed drinking beer just talking and I thought, this is what love is, well it is for me anyway! Not literally, I mean the mundane, I mean living life every second of everyday with the person you just want to be with, doing everyday stuff and just loving it.

Great night

Lincoln and I had a great night last night watching football Bills v Pats followed by Green Bay v The Broncos while Reagan and mommy went to watch the Taylor Swift movie in Chester. Pizza, Wings and beer (non alcoholic for Linc) we had a good time teaching him about the rules and, of course, […]

Heat retention WOW!

Trying to dry the window frame I turned on the heater for almost an hour while I took Billy for a walk which seemed excessive but I wanted to give the wood the best chance to dry out. What did impress me hugely was the fact that Mt shed retained that heat all day, so […]

Windows and flaws

After storm Babet battered Britain it also battered me shed too, which unfortunately meant the window frames filled with water. I knew I needed to run sealer around the frame I even bought it but was going to do it this weekend hopefully it won’t have too big of an effect longterm

Holidays are coming….

Tonight I finished work for a week of much needed rest and just a break from being switched on all the time for people who wouldn’t care if I died! To spend a week pottering would be bliss, to spend some of it working on me shed even better. The kids are off Jamie is […]