Entries by ALB1970

Can one be excited?

I felt excitement today as I sat at work sort of dreaming about what could be, and if it was possible to make stuff for a living? I paid a lot of money last night for a dream(?) something that makes no sense yet also makes perfect sense… I have already let go of my […]

Teatime madness

For some reason tonight teatime spiralled into to chaos with everyone crying with laughter after Lincoln told a story about a girl at school nearly choking to death on gum in class followed by Reagan suggesting that I was alive in 1925 Three family members rolled about the kitchen, unable to breathe, a bit like […]

Cold Hard Cash

£1000 is a lot of money that I could do without spending, all at once, but I know it is going to fast track me to a workshop kitted out with most of the equipment I would have spent the next few years collecting for twice if not three times the amount? It feels so […]

Pretty pleased

It has never been about the building itself but about the challenge of creating it and from the foundations to the finished product doing it all myself, and this weekend I finally got a glimpse of what my shed is going to look like and I found myself constantly looking at it and continuing after […]


The rain was not as bad as I expected today but it was enough to scupper my progress I wanted to crack on with cladding me shed but as stead rain started to fall it just got frustratingly more wet and muddy. I retreated to the inside and cut the off cut from what I […]

Weekend weather

Rain rain and more rain forecast for this weekend following a week of rain means it could be w a wash out over the next couple of days with lots planned including installing cladding to the sides of my shed. Even if it does stay fine for a few hours the amount of water that […]

Woodwork videos

YouTube is so useful no matter what you need to know whether it be car maintenance, how to groom a horse or solve a Ribiks cube anything is on there and I have found myself watching wood shop videos and how best to organise a small space. It’s a shame Lesley is going away for […]

Rollercoaster of life…?

Where do I start with what is going on in my life right now when I am sat downstairs having just played really well at pool and managed to draw a match against atop side from 5 3 down feels really good. I spoke to Lesley tonight and offered her £1000 to take whatever I […]

So much to dream about

Do I spend a Grand on tools I might never use, or tools I don’t have room for, Jamie has no idea what I am buying but noticed a glint in my eye and enthusiasm in my voice when I was telling her about bobbin disk and belt sanders router tables drill presses and Forstner […]


Sometimes all the planets align and everything is perfect but most of the time when planets get close to aligning I am doing something else and don’t notice… What if they’re aligning right now and I am actually staring at those stars? First round of redundancies were announced at work today and although I was […]