Entries by ALB1970

Bellies in the sun!

Woke up to a wet pussy this morning, after fixing the broken window in the greenhouse Sasha had no refuge to hide in from the rain so when I let here in she was soaking wet? After putting the coffee pot on I went back to bed while it dripped its loveliness for us to […]

Is it 37 weeks or 21days?

We are 37 weeks pregnant and full term today, and jus 21 days to go until our “due” date so we high fived this morning because after Kermie we thought we couldn’t imagine ever getting to this point so we were both really pleased and relieved. When we finally got up she found a lot […]


One born every minute

We watched the last in the series of ‘One born every minute’ last night a fly on the wall documentary about a maternity ward and what goes on there. Not sure I would have been so interested if we weren’t expecting a child too but it was very graphic and sort of prepared certainly me […]

The calm before the storm…

For weeks Jamie has been saying she would like a bump photo, although we regularly take a photo of her she wanted one to be proud of and last night we got it! Thankfully she has given me permission to add it to my new blog, because it really does her and her bump justice […]


The Prologue

I have decided to blog my life, everyday for the next year? It may not interest most people but I would to think that in the next few days or weeks I will become a father and that this blog will also be a diary of our first year as parents and maybe one day […]