Entries by ALB1970

Bouncing Bouncing Bouncing

A cold day today well cooler than the last few but who cares I was back at work, and not in maternity or labour ward. Jamie is becoming desperate but I think its because she’s so close? Four days till our due date and we are trying all the ‘old wives tales’ on how to […]

Red Red Wine\Mist…

Sitting in the sun and relaxing with a morning coffee and newspaper is without doubt the best way to start any day. We did similar today as yesterday walking into town and back because there’s still no sign of Reagan. Mums for Sunday dinner and nodded off in the chair after it, only to be […]

A Sunny Day

What a day, from start to finish we had a great day the only thing missing was the appearance of Reagan. Woke up after sleeping in a while and the sun was already “crackin’ the flags” Jamie was off to yoga so I woke her up and went to make the coffee and take Jack […]

Baby Shower

So the big surprise was a baby shower for Jamie (which I was actually in on but was sworn to secrecy) and late last night Jamie returned home with me mum and Karen all had arms laden with baby goodies. I want to thank everyone who was there because she has has the biggest smile […]

Now you see her now I don’t…

Today was dominated firstly by how Jamie was feeling when she woke up in hospital but I needn’t have worried because she texted me at 07:05 to see if I was awake and to tell me she felt ok and had felt Reagan all night so she just wanted to come home. The doctors wanted […]

Bump the Bump?

Short blog today because of one single event: Jamie tripped and fell at the end of the drive today landing on her bump, although she put her hands out and her knees were grazed her “huge” bump hit the ground! It shook her up and she was in a little discomfort but I think when […]


First of all Jamie and the family Forster so far…chilaxing I feel a bit in limbo now, I’ve turned 40 and don’t feel any different (but knew I wouldn’t) and we are waiting to be parents and can’t do anything now until that happens. I thought today that we will wait for this beautiful thing […]

Gardening in the spring sun

Jamie made the statement last night “Can you believe we will be parents, in TWO weeks?” I said I can and I am so excited at the prospect! I’m not scared of becoming a parent and explained to her that she shouldn’t be either, we are such a good team that whatever happens we will […]

Party on!

Last night was great, with so many friends and family turning up to celebrate with with me and who also blessed me with so many wonderful cards and gifts! One special note should go to my best friend John who gave me an Anti Nowhere League T-shirt for Reagan I am sure she will cherish […]

Now I’m 40

So, it’s my birthday and I’ve had a wonderful day so far with lots of cards presents and messages, they all made me feel very special indeed. I am sat here now watching the build up to the Grand National hoping either my horse “Don’t Push It” or Jamie’s Horse “Tricky Trickster” can win the […]