Entries by ALB1970


…and RELAX!

Not going to mention today, I will start when I got home from work and found Jamie asleep on the sofa and tried to creep past her but she stirred when I kissed her arm she smiled a true “I am really glad your here” kind of smile. She makes me feel so good without […]

Ok, the game’s cricket…it takes a while?

06:30 I was woken by a contraption lol you know what I mean she’s tired said she’d been woken a few times in the night we have run a HOT bath and she is lying in that now 4 contraptions since we got up so no change really, but if anything happens it will be […]

Looks like Game on?

So we went the hospital last night and since then Jamie has been having pretty regular contractions but not regular enough yet 21:20 and they are about 10 minutes apart but can be 7 or 12 and are getting more intense. Keep looking here and I will try and update as much as I can! […]

Waiting it out…

Hummm reading back yesterdays blog tells me to probably refrain from blogging whilst pissed lol Labour pains all day walked in the morning and this afternoon but not amounting to anything which is annoying. Began to spot late on today so we decided to go get checked out at the hospital where we were told […]

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Drinkin’ ’bout my baby…!

She yogi’ed we walked we had visitors… Due date and Jamie’s will has all but disappeared, although what I will say is: she is THE bestest strongest mostest positive woman I have ever known and she rocks my world….why doesn’t our child want to meet her ? She is discharching plug like there’s no tomorrow […]


St George’s Day

It’s St George’s day today, I love the 23rd April and look forward to it, I always always celebrate it by at the very least wearing an England football shirt to provoke comment by people who question why I’m wearing it or realise why and comment. I could go into a speech here about how […]

Don’t worry be happy!

I saw a lot of nervous tears throughout this morning, I first noticed there was something wrong when I was about to leave for work and Jamie was crying and saying she can’t do this! I re-assurred her that everything would be fine and she can do it because she will have me with her […]


Went to pool tonight with phone at the ready, just in case but I needn’t have bothered as there was not even a twinge while I was gone? She is a stubborn one and is going to make us wait and will be a Taurus (Jamie told me) which are apparently the most stubborn of […]

Jamie speaks!

It seems like our life is on hold and we can’t and daren’t do anything we just do our best to carry on as normal knowing that at any moment our life is going to change forever! Wake, walk, eat, work, walk, eat, walk, work, walk, walk, eat, watch tv and bed is about what […]