Entries by ALB1970

Team Reagan Grace

The stresses starting to show at times and it is important we talk about them, so tonight we had a little chat and a hug and a cuddle and said we love each other. I thought it was a lovely moment in my eyes because the reason all this happened is because we love each […]

Sharing and Learning Pt1

Not such a good night last night Jamie was awake at times looking after a slightly more needy Reagan than the previous night nappy changing and feeding but I was able to get a couple of much needed hours sleep so when Reagan stirred at about 5am we changed her and I took her down […]

Becoming a Grandma!

I told a birth story today that I don’t think I have told here which I think was one of the most important things on my birth plan apart from the welfare of Jamie and Reagan! Keeping everyone informed as much as I could throughput the day but most importantly making sure Pam was the […]

Build her and they will come!

Before I get onto the visitors I have to say I feel so happy that my time has come to be able to help Jamie with all this, and feel needed. This morning (early shift) ended with Jamie getting up around half nine sort of refreshed but grateful for the chance to sleep in. I’d […]

Morning has broken

At 5:30 we heard Reagan finally stir properly after both semi consciously listening to her breathe and squeak and move around although not a lot as we took the advice of the midwives and as Jamie so eloquently put it “swaddled the shit out of her” but we did get some rest. She needed changing […]

Parenting, a piece of piss…..NOT!

Today started and ended with a load of washing…my life changing would be most apparent today when we arrived home and I didn’t know what to do in me own house and ended up faffing about until we found a sort of rhythm and we started our new “family life” the 3 of us! I […]


Has she done a poo…?

What colour was it? What was the consistency? Has she done a weewee yet? Did you drink any of it? lol (I added the last one) but apart that one they are all questions I never thought I’d ever be asked! Now knocking on for 13 hours old I finally got to meet our lovely […]


28th April 2010

I was woken by Jamie on all fours gripping the headboard! Now that’s an opening line 😉 but unfortunately “that’s how we got into this predicament in the first place! We spent all yesterday pissed off with latent labour since Sunday and all the mis information we were given about, definitely not in labour, only […]