Entries by ALB1970

Birth Certificate (UK)

Not such a good night last night for Jamie…on a better note it was a great night for Reagan who slept through again! Jamie just couldn’t settle because she was sooo good, and very quiet which meant Jamie had to check on her just incase… the joys of parenting I suppose? We got to lie […]

Life begins again…!

Today was planned to be our first trip out and we were prepared when we came to leave for the store Reagan plus Grandma’s baby bag full to brimming with all manner of gear for every eventuality. We strapped her into her car seat and she nodded off to sleep before we strapped her into […]

MOM (Day 5!)

I am aware that a picture paints a thousand words but can I just add to those 1000 words here: Become a mom Just got out of very HOT relaxing bath Just had a lovely tea Glass of wine Glass of Fibrogel (if you don’t know look it up) THEE best chocolates ever (thanks Julie […]

Remember when…?

“So Jack, remember a few days ago when we were the main attraction?” “I do Sasha, but they’ll get over it they always do!” “You’ve just got to be patient!“

Enjoying it all!

We had a good night last night, Reagan didn’t feed till late and we got to bed at midnight so Reagan was content and sleeping until 04:30 Jamie got up and fed for an hour and put her back down and we all slept again till now 09:00 when I got up and left the […]

Was it worth it?

Mommy and Reagan being kept warm by Grandma! (I watched this for nearly 90 minutes tonight and it was wonderful, just out of shot were two more Grandma made blankets covering the sleeping two!) Thank you Pam, it was definitely worth it!