Entries by ALB1970

Back to work BOOOOOO!

Today was dominated by my return to work 🙁 It was nice to have the attention this morning when I walked into work with a few people congratulating me and enquiring how mom and baby are doing but after that it was back to the desk job. It always annoys me how quickly you fall […]

A good Day!

I’m back sort of refreshed but definitely feeling better than I did yesterday. It was so difficult to pick me self up yesterday but some sleep has sorted me out! Today we has a health visitor come around and like everyone else who meets Reagan was bowled over by how alert and how unlike a […]


I’m glad I didn’t write this blog this morning because I didn’t realise what was wrong and it would have come out all wrong…! I still feel that my parenting skills are non existent but I am learning…? When I woke up this morning I felt so so tired but it paled into insignificance when […]

The $hit Factory

“Dude, DUDE!!!” came the shout from downstairs and I dashed to the top of the stairs to see Jamie holding Reagan with outstretched arms as she walked up the stairs towards me and Reagan was covered in ‘poop’ from head to toe… lol mommy was covered too and when I went to investigate later the […]

Leighton Hospital

I would just like to say a big thank you to Leighton Hospital and all of their staff for the care they have given to Jamie and Reagan both anti natal and post natally! They have been fantastic throughout our good times and our bad times and I think sometimes we forget about them when […]


I have noticed the days are shorter with Reagan here? …and so are the nights! Everything takes longer to do even if it isn’t effected by Reagan directly? I’m not sure weather tiredness has a lot to do with it, because although we have a great daughter who allows us more sleep than we could […]

The BEST mom!

We discussed today if we are good parents? I think Reagan is so happy and content answers that question but Jamie seemed to have a confidence dip, all I could say to her was that from what I have seen in the last nine days I know there is no better mommy than the mommy […]

Jamie’s Birth Story! (by Jamie herself)

Reagan’s Birth Story… Where do I start? Well I suppose from the beginning….my sweep the 22nd of April. Two days before my due date they decided to give me a sweep to get things moving as I was fed up and the baby was big so we all figured what harm could it do? The […]