Entries by ALB1970

Hot weekend

Since Saturday we have had such great weather, we have been enjoying our selves and I haven’t blogged because of that! Biggest thing to happen definitely is to see Reagan trying to turn on to her belly from her back, there is no technique yet but she knows that’s what needs to happen and to […]

Hot Hot Hot

Wow the weather has definitely changed here, as the winds changed to how they should be the heat rose all week and today we saw temperatures reaching the mid 80’s F We all had a lie in then Reagan and I went for our morning walk into town to get a newspaper allowing Jamie time […]

Fixed puncture puncture fixed.

Went the DIY shop first thing this morning and purchased a “puncture repair kit” and although I was still working sat at work and repaired the three holes in the tube and took it home at lunch dead dead proud that I had finally got us back on the road. I fitted the newly fixed […]

Some Photo’s

Sorry Reagan but this cracked mommy & daddy up last night! Please notice both Reagan’s big toes poking through the cover. LOL “too close Dad, move away slightly & make me look cute not retarded Jeez!” Heart Patterned overload, “Mom this is too much!” (but hey look at the lining on that Jacket!”) This is […]

The great repair kit shortage of 2010

Ok the big plan today was to put right what I got wrong last night, I wanted to come home and take Reagan on a long walk in the warm evening and allow Jamie to re-charge so when I arrived home I had a quick shower and got Reagan changed and in the pram and […]

Is it a joke or is it true?

Three men married wives from different cultures. The 1st man married a Chinese woman, he told her to do dishes & house cleaning. It took a few days but on the 3rd day he came home to see a clean house & dishes put away. The 2nd man married an Italian woman & told her […]

The big eat

Reagan is now upping the milk ante to 5oz a feed 4 just doesn’t hit that spot it used to at last weigh in she was 8lb 10oz and I reckon when she’s weighed again next week I reckon another 6oz should be expected. Speaking of feeding Jamie made a tortilla wrap with philli chive […]

19 days and counting!

Reagan is becoming so alert and responsive as each day passes, I love to spend 15 minutes alone with he when I get home just talking to her and making faces watching her looking and learning, ok probably that dads a frickin dooosh but taking it all in! Its becoming so much more rewarding now […]