Entries by ALB1970

I never saw myself as a Dad?

I never saw myself as a dad, it was just one of those life decisions you make knowing “you can’t miss something you’ve never had” (as the saying goes), but things can happen and your outlook can change. Now I am a dad it frightens me to think that I may have missed out on the […]

The Boat Festival

After last nights England performance, one of the worst I’ve seen, it was nice to see the sun out and a good day for walking around Middlewich taking in the annual boat festival. Unfortunately at 3 am this morning I drunkenly walked into a wall on the way to the bathroom and woke Reagan up […]

Reagan sleeps…

Reagan slept for 8 hours again Wednesday and last night, it seems if mommy reads to her she settles better, I hope I get a chance to read to her again but if she doesn’t settle I will be gutted 🙁 she is doing so well lately and it mostly down to mommy who is […]

It may take a while

Not as successful of a night than last night (on daddy’s watch) but I still think we are heading in the right direction I think she will get used to the routine but it will be a slow process. She will benefit from not hearing mommy snoring and trumping really loudly right next to her. Took […]

O M G almost 8 hours…?

Last night we began scheduling Reagan and we put he in he own bed (for the first time) and she slept from 21:50 until 05:45 which was absolutely fantastic for a first atempt! So I have just sat back down stairs after tonights attempt which consisted of Jamie taking her up for a bath at […]

Car Trouble!

Reagan slept until 04:30 last night on her own which was great considering she was put in her cot at 22:00 the best thing was that Jamie felt she slept better because of it which has to be good . After 04:30 Reagan struggled to settle back down to sleep but like I have just […]

One small step!

An amicable draw last night meant there was no bragging rights for mommy or daddy but there was was one happy little girl who saw both her teams win a point! Big thing that began today was mommy and daddy started Reagan on a “SCHEDULE!” we put her in her cot, upstairs at 22:00 on her own…without […]

A lazy day that ends in chaos?

We did nothing today…alright we did very little and it was nice to relax and re-charge. I have managed to catch up on this blog during the day and make a start on updating my websites as well! Jamie and Reagan slept a while and we also got a phone call from Pam who was […]