Entries by ALB1970

Our new car

Last weekend we went to look for a new car because we were still driving one borrowed from  the garage that condemned our old Vectra and we were ready to purchase the new Forster vehicle. Apart from a house, a car is one of the biggest purchases you make in life and its a lot […]

Dad does bedtime. (Part II)

Reagan’s bedtime was eased to 20:30 on Monday night because she is napping at about 19:00 so we thought keep her awake and to bed earlier. Not sure Reagan saw it like that she was awake yesterday morning an hour earlier lol the little….any way it was down to me to do bedtime again last […]

A mother’s love.

This morning I didn’t feel too good mentally because I had what I can only describe as my first nightmare for a very long time, I am not going to go into detail but “if anyone dare touch a hair on her head, then I’ll fight to the last breath” I think it came from […]

Don’t believe the Hype!!!

So yesterday was dominated by the football and we had an early dinner to accommodate it, why any England fan bothers to go to so much trouble is beyond me, but we do? On reflection we just were not good enough in any of the four games and never looked like world beaters at any stage of any of […]

We needed some help!

Tonight we were sooo very tired and Reagan was sooo very hungry and we didn’t know what to but then, Jessica Eyres Came to our rescue: …and Reagan was loving her tea when up popped Hannah Eyres? …it was such a surprise that daddy had to restrain her so that Reagan could finish her tea! […]

It’s the Germans…again!

Last 16 match today for England and if they are to progress then they will have to beat the Germans, a team we have had many a tussle with over the years and apart from 1966 we have in the world cup come out second best to them but generally the matches are tight and […]

Sometimes there just isn’t the time?

Last couple of days have been really hot and there just hasn’t been time to sit in front of a computer and blog but in brief, Jamie had a friend over from her Pre natal yoga class and was so happy when I got home from work telling me of the baby notes they had swapped all […]

Dad does bedtime.

Reagan was weighed at the clinic again today and was a healthy 13lb 12oz which makes me so proud that she’s doing so well, and I know I say this a lot but it really is a credit to how Jamie is raising her and the time she puts in everyday to make her that […]