Entries by ALB1970

O M G almost 8 hours…?

Last night we began scheduling Reagan and we put he in he own bed (for the first time) and she slept from 21:50 until 05:45 which was absolutely fantastic for a first atempt! So I have just sat back down stairs after tonights attempt which consisted of Jamie taking her up for a bath at […]

Car Trouble!

Reagan slept until 04:30 last night on her own which was great considering she was put in her cot at 22:00 the best thing was that Jamie felt she slept better because of it which has to be good . After 04:30 Reagan struggled to settle back down to sleep but like I have just […]

One small step!

An amicable draw last night meant there was no bragging rights for mommy or daddy but there was was one happy little girl who saw both her teams win a point! Big thing that began today was mommy and daddy started Reagan on a “SCHEDULE!” we put her in her cot, upstairs at 22:00 on her own…without […]

A lazy day that ends in chaos?

We did nothing today…alright we did very little and it was nice to relax and re-charge. I have managed to catch up on this blog during the day and make a start on updating my websites as well! Jamie and Reagan slept a while and we also got a phone call from Pam who was […]

An open letter to Pam Isbell

To Pam Isbell \ Mamma \ Grandma \ Mom in law We as adults choose how to live our lives and we do our best to make ourselves happy in whatever we choose to do with that life. I have always felt slightly guilty for being the reason that you and your daughter live so […]

With my little stick of Blackpool rock

Today was to be the pinnacle of Pam’s whole trip to “the Vegas” of England. Yes that’s right Colorado has Black Hawk but that will just pale into insignificance when they see… “Blackpool” So I set the Tom Tom to take us to Blackpool Tower via the Pleasure Beach and along the promenade, (I have […]

…sample a slower life!

It was raining but the day was planned out completely the opposite from yesterday in London where we were on a schedule and only had a certain amount of time and thousands of people working against us pushing and shoving us today was a ‘we do it at our pace when we want to do […]


Where do I start on today? We were all early risers as planned knowing were being picked up to go to the station at 07:30 I knew as soon as I woke my stress levels were slightly high because we had to catch the 08:33 London-Midland to Euston and I know how much can go […]