Entries by ALB1970

Morning ritual

Reagan is so good right now when it comes to sleeping, we (Jamie) has given Reagan a routine at night and she expects it to be done the same every night 20:00 taken upstairs, bathed, dried lotioned, dressed, fed, winded, read to and sleep! It just works and allows mommy and daddy to spend time […]

New Banner

Hope you like my new Reagan banner! Created this last night, after being so jealous of a friends expertise at creating a card for us with a similar design just after Reagan was born. I have wondered how it was done for ages and decided yesterday to do some tutorials off the internet and hey […]


Jamie, as I say often in these blogs and will continue to say, is such a great mommy and Reagan really does flourish because of the time and effort she puts in to stimulating that young fresh mind. Things as simple as talking to Reagan all day and constantly involving Reagan in everything she does […]

An interesting Day?

Woke up hungover after a nice get together at the Boars Head for Antony’s “leaving….oh no I’m not it’s all gone Pete Tong, see you Monday” do? Followed by a lovely “lazing in the garden coz it’s warm kinda lets have a drink” night with Jamie!!! We went to Dunhelm Mill in Crewe to replace […]

‘Beriberi’ an incurable disease?

Unfortunately I have to announce that since Saturday Jamie has been taken ill, with the incurable disease of Beriberi and believe I can pinpoint the infection down to our visit to Northwich on Saturday Since then she has turned into a full blown Crackberry addict!!! Her new purple Blackberry takes up all her time configuring SMS […]

Yoga website

During pregnancy Jamie regularly went to “Pregnancy Yoga” and got a lot from it on how to relax and enjoy the whole experience. We took Reagan at 10days old to show her off to Alison and the class and while we were there they had a photographer taking photo’s for a new website.If you follow […]

Dad does bedtime. (Part III)

I will start by saying “it’s getting easier”! Tonight Jamie planned to go to the gym after tea so it was just me and Reagan for the evening, and even though I knew a couple of days ago that it was Dad doing bedtime again there was no anxiety at all at the prospect! I […]

Our Sunday walk

Went for a walk on Sunday morning as a family and did “our walk” which before Reagan was born we did a lot but this was Reagan first time so we had to show her all the sights, first of all the ducklings, although if I honest we were only five minutes in to the […]