Entries by ALB1970

Arranging the house

“Let me start by saying Reagan is much better than a couple of days ago, mommy was with her constantly and as normal Reagan was happy. She’s still teething and gnawing on anything you give her, she still has a rash but the calamine lotion helps that but apart that a content little girl again!” I had the idea […]

Am I too laid back?

Reagan is ‘different’ and I am worried but am I being too laid back trying to make Jamie not freak out. When I say that I must stress that although Reagan has a viral infection the signs are subtle and there isn’t enough wrong with her to “freak out” about. My problem is I can […]

Infected Virally :-(

Our first problem with Reagan happened yesterday, nothing to worry about so they say but a viral infection sounds bad when a doctor tells you its there. Reagan over the last few days has been unusually fussy and her daily demeanour had changed nut hugely but you could tell something was different. We noticed her biting a lot onto […]

Don’t Panic?

Anyone who knows my story will know what a dilemma I faced tonight when Jamie rose from the sofa and made her way towards the kitchen and let out an almighty scream shouting OMG Sasha what have you got there? Followed by an even louder squeal as she jumped on the chair by the door shushing Sasha and telling her […]

Here’s to Reagan Grace…Cheers!

It began to play on my mind a few weeks ago that I had a forty year old bottle of wine sat under the stairs (or as like to call in the wine cellar) and that I would like to open it and drink it to celebrate both of the things I started this blog […]

Regular as clockwork until Saturday

Everyday Reagan goes to bed at 8pm and is asleep by 9pm she sleeps with out a murmur until 06:30 and then begins to wake and thrutch and usually by 07:00 I go and pick her up…. So why is it when mom and dad have a chance of lying in on a Saturday morning is […]

An update!

My blog has taken a back seat as I have been spending a lot of time preparing my websites for the 2010 – 2011 pool season but I am back and have a lot to tell you about Reagan She has become so aware of her surroundings just lately and will follow movement and reacts […]

My friend Jack…

My dog Jack is such a good friend and has been forever I love him dearly all he wants from me is food, a walk twice a day, warmth and a roof? Just lately his eyes are letting him down but he is fine apart from the blindness, so full of life. It breaks my heart […]


We got up at 5am and were out of the house by 06:20 and had a perfect drive down in the new car stopping off just once for a coffee and to sort Reagan out we called ahead and asked Patty where they were and they said still at home so we decided to call […]