Entries by ALB1970

Push me Mamma higher, higher!!!

I think this trip to the park was more for mommy than me or Reagan Mommy loved this and actually, so did Reagan This next video was in fact taken the day before but we didn’t have the video camera so used my phone quality is not so good but it is THEE first time

Mama’s in the kitchen doin’ a bit of stitchin’

Yesterday morning this sewing machine was in the wardrobe and had been there for a few years, by last night Jamie had read the manual and set it up (with very little help from me) downloaded how to’s on making leggings for cloth nappy wearing babies and was merrily making them for half the price […]

These things we do

Why do we have to stop every 5 mins for photos? …thats better, I love going for walks with you Mommy Reagan & Daddy playing on the sofa Reagan gets bored and switches on CBEEBIES!!! Dad you make me sick! Now Dads gone, can we relax Mom?Aw Yes, give me the laptops, you can watch […]

Still no hot water…well…?

Ok as you may or may not know we have a dodgy boiler at the moment, and when I say dodgy I mean it was\is not working ie not heating water…which is it’s job! This morning I switched it back on and tried to have a shower and although it didn’t fire up straight away IT WORKED!!! […]

Jamie has a Bezzie call…

A knock came on the door today and it was for Jamie, a lady from along the street who has also just become a parent wanted to know if Jamie was going to a baby meeting today and to let her know she was going into town so would meet her there. No biggie for […]

A false dawn?

We have no hot water again, the boiler I believe is knackered with a capital F Jamie just gets on with it and Reagan is oblivious because of this, I just feel when things like this happen I don’t do enough to sort the problem out. We needed a new boiler 2 weeks ago but […]

Water water everywhere but not a drop that’s hot!

A few years ago I had a problem with my boiler, and after British Gas trying to charge me £360 on top of the full cover insurance on boiler breakdowns that covers everything except this actual fault, I got a friend of mine who is a plumber to come and remove the heat exchanger so […]