Entries by ALB1970

Still no hot water…well…?

Ok as you may or may not know we have a dodgy boiler at the moment, and when I say dodgy I mean it was\is not working ie not heating water…which is it’s job! This morning I switched it back on and tried to have a shower and although it didn’t fire up straight away IT WORKED!!! […]

Jamie has a Bezzie call…

A knock came on the door today and it was for Jamie, a lady from along the street who has also just become a parent wanted to know if Jamie was going to a baby meeting today and to let her know she was going into town so would meet her there. No biggie for […]

A false dawn?

We have no hot water again, the boiler I believe is knackered with a capital F Jamie just gets on with it and Reagan is oblivious because of this, I just feel when things like this happen I don’t do enough to sort the problem out. We needed a new boiler 2 weeks ago but […]

Water water everywhere but not a drop that’s hot!

A few years ago I had a problem with my boiler, and after British Gas trying to charge me £360 on top of the full cover insurance on boiler breakdowns that covers everything except this actual fault, I got a friend of mine who is a plumber to come and remove the heat exchanger so […]

Earning our stripes

I think this is where we as parents earn our stripes, over the last few days we’ve had a very unhappy Reagan and she can not tell us whatn is wrong? She has screaming fits that can last an hour or more and there is little or nothing we can do but try and figure […]

A tag team solution…for now?

Tonights bedtime was a lot better we decided to do it as a family, something I don’t really want to get her used to too much for the one reason is we can’t always do it because we are not always all together at bedtime but for now its tag team time and it worked. […]

Night-time stress

OMG Reagan has started screaming the place down between being lifted from the bath until she is fed. We have always stuck to the same routine nothing changes, at 19:45 we take her upstairs and start the bath running while we prepare her for it. Next we bath her with calm words and suds galore […]