Entries by ALB1970

Reagan caught a cold

So we may have sussed this weeks problems sleeping, it may be down to a bad belly Wednesday and the onset of a cold which is causing a runny nose and heavy breathing Jamie rang the doctor this morning and they said bring her straight in…! Although it isn’t serious to us a runny nose when you […]


What a difference 24 hours makes I woke this morning at 06:30’ish and both Reagan and Jamie were asleep as they had been all night and even after returning from the bathroom and getting back in bed they were still asleep. I lay there at a loss to know why last night she slept through, I did bedtime while Jamie went […]

Smile in the face of adversity?

At around 5am this morning I heard Reagan stir but only very briefly and quietly but once I had heard her I wasn’t able to go back to sleep so lay there for maybe five or ten minutes as she gradually woke up more and more until she was nearly shouting. During this time I […]

The day after the night before

Was woken at 01:30 approx by Jamie sat on the edge of the bed telling me she felt ill…? I love Jamie and loved the fact that she got out on a “girls night” and would do anything to make the aftermath a little easier and I know better than most how to live through […]

Jamie on the LASH!

England on gas telly and its time to believe again….lol! Jamie was invited out and came up with every excuse and reason why she shouldn’t but I said GO! it will do you good to get out and let your hair down for a bit. Actually she pointed out that this would be the first […]


Reagan is ACE! I was just going to leave it at that but thought I would tell you about the things she does now. She was 18 weeks old on Wednesday and she is such a happy baby. She smiles all the time and is now just about giggling at anything and everything so long […]

A few pics from this weekend

Curry & Beer Thanks Jamie!!! Me & Reagan watching Wind & Rain I had our first 250 Reagan photo’s printedso mommy can fill albums My family The bush Pam Jamie and Reagan planted Bank Holiday lie in WOOOwooo yeh! Chillaxin with mama

Reagan’s first meal

These are photos and videos of Reagan’s very first experiences of “solid” food OK Dad What is it? and Why isn’t it in a bottle? Ok give me the spoon, let me try! Hummm this isn’t as easy as it looks? Ooh! there it is… There has to be an easier way! Arhhh perfect!