Entries by ALB1970

No sleep til bedtime!

A friend of mine once said that the key key to coping with a newborn or young baby is sleep! If you can all get enough sleep its easy, but if you’re don’t it can be torture! He was right! Up to now we have all done very well on the sleep front but Reagan […]

Not from the EU, then where’s your money?

Pam asked what was meant by my “Highs and Lows” blog and in particular the visa bit? I was merely pointing out that to obtain a visa cost a lot of money, which we are fully aware of but they always want more. Not only is it very expensive anyway, and to do it all […]

Highs and Lows

Broken sleep is a drag for mommy and daddy while Reagan continues to wake at 4am? We all get sleep but its not as good as sleeping right through the night in one go. Jamie’s beaming smile while she told me about walking in to town today and meeting four of her bezzies along the way and […]

Sunday Coming out of the closet?

Waking from broken sleep and creeping around the house until Reagan and Mommy awoke I set about clearing out my closet because I needed my walking clothes for next weekends trip to the lakes, as well as the fact that it’s turned very Autumnal here in England of late and I haven’t seen me jumpers […]

Saturday "During the War!"

The plan for Saturday was to go and see the Middlewich World War 2 event so we had breakfast and walked into town to be greeted by lots of the shops decorated like the period and loads of people in period dress ranging from soldiers in uniform to shop keepers dressed like the time the […]