Entries by ALB1970

Peter and the Test Tube Babies

We went to watch my favourite band play on Saturday night, a band I have liked since I first heard them in the early eighties. We went the Red Lion in Burslem Stoke on Trent, on the way Jamie asked will there be many there and I was forced admit that it was a pub […]

We went to the park today

Higher dad Higher, push me Higher Wheyheyyyyy! This is the most fun ever Mommy! I hope mom’s still got hold of me? Where’s mom and dad gone now? I think I can make dad, here goes! What do you mean “Look Cute?” that’s my job!!! Dad are you having as much fun as me? Yep, […]

New food on Monday by New Order

Last night Reagan was introduced to water melon and chicken here is how we went on:   Give it here lets have nibble! Strange I thought it would be quite tart but it’s refreshing really rather good! It’s an appetizer Ma! Where’s my main?  Chicken you say?Bring it on and make it snappy! I feel like chicken […]

Our Weekend

Friday we went to Nantwich for a night out and left me mum sitting Reagan, which we knew would be tough if Reagan was still awake but I think we forget sometimes that mums have done all this before lol. Thing is we have a routine and we want people to respect its how we […]

A quick update

Last two nights Reagan has not woken from the time we put her down until around 5am when she begins to exercise her vocal chords LOUDLY while playing with her toys. This is fine if Mommy and Daddy go to bed at a reasonable hour but we usually stop up so 5 am is a little too […]

Geraldine the giraffe

Last night we did bed time and still we are not able to make it to bed with an awake Reagan but I don’t think that is too bad right now, she is really seeming to enjoy bath-time and bed time whoever does it. She went to sleep at 8pm and Jamie and me had a lovely evening without […]

Thanks Pam

Sometimes the blatantly obvious has to be pointed out to you and when it is you go “DOH! I should have known that”. Pam told Jamie that the problem with our little “person” is she is growing up and maturing and the problem could be mental, when Jamie was little she didn’t like being alone and would […]