Entries by ALB1970

Toof number two…

After waking from a 12 hour sleep Reagan has spent the day screaming and crying, sleeping and smiling chewing and gnawing then crying some more! We just ate tea during which she exploded and I mean it was up her back her front down her legs and stunk OMG! We cleaned her up and got […]

Reagan got a toof!

Didn’t want to announce it like we did last time and find we were just over excited parents that clearly don’t have any idea what’s going on but this time we are sure… It happened Wednesday a sharp thing in her mouth was felt and on closer inspection which entailed mom and dad ‘PRISING’ open […]

Sorry for the inconvenience!

If you’re reading this you have accepted my invite and I am flattered that you are interested enough to login to read what I write the reason for the change is an unusually high number of hits from Turkey like nearly 500 in one day which just spooked me a little and decided to make […]

My evenings now

So into week 2 our new lifestyle \ schedule change that is, Jamie working and my responsibilities of picking up Reagan after work and starting her evening on me own. This is what I did last week: Leave work at 17:30Arrive home at 17:38Shower change and get Jack 17:45Arrive at mums house 17:58Leave mums house with Reagan […]

Preventitive medicine!

We did bedtime last night and decided to give Reagan nasal drops tixylix and karvol vapours before we put her down to sleep and apart from a fuss and a cough an hour after she went to sleep where mommy went up to her to settle her we didn’t hear anything from her until 06:08 […]

The longest night…Pt2

The message I got while refereeing a pool match in Winsford was “She not even snoring just sound asleep, the only crisis we have is I’m out of wine!!!” the scene I returned to at around 22:30 was a screaming Reagan with mommy cradling her not sure what to do for the best….? Now I consider myself a pretty […]

The longest night…

Mommy and Daddy spent most of last night awake trying to make Reagan comfortable after being woken by her  struggling for breath because of a rasping chesty cough she acquired. Problem is she doesn’t know how to cough and how do you teach a child less than six months old how to cough anyway? So […]

New Job!

Sometimes I look at Jamie and Reagan and think it don’t get better than it is right now, an then something happens like Reagan rolls from back to front and I can’t believe I’m so fortunate to be able to see things like that! Today Jamie got a job and I felt the same elation […]