Entries by ALB1970

Three in a bed…

Reagan has been teething like mad over the last three days culminating in a very uncomfortable evening yesterday that kept her wake even with bojella and maximum doses of Calpol, the only really peaceful place she found was between mommy and daddy which we don’t like doing but if it helps we would do anything. […]

Crawling, just around the corner?

We now have a VERY active little child. I use the term child instead of baby on purpose because she is growing up so fast! You blink and she has done something else, over the past week I have heard two words come out of her mouth “mama” was the first and “car” was the second both […]

Back to work today…!

Had the most fabulous week off work the highlight definitely was spending time with Jamie and Reagan, we had such a lazy week the house is a tip but I don’t care it was just great to relax and be together. Other highlights and actually the reason why I was off in the first place was our trip […]

Bonfire Night!

Reagan and Mommy ready for their first proper Bonfire(Note: Mommy’s new hair! Ding Dong!) The family Forster At last warmth! Me and Reagan watching the fire! Sam and Jamie A baby with Firewirks coming out of his head? Reagan watching fireworks! Ooooo! Aaaaahhh! Wooooo! Dad where are the fireworks, concentrate! Getting cold, but still smiling!


Jamie This is the first image of Jamie I had 15th Dec 2007 when she left me a message online….we were reminiscing tonight I just thought if your interested here’s how we met! This was how I was seen on myspace…! I miss Myspace?