Entries by ALB1970

Sleep or lack of it?

As I’ve said before in these blogs “if you get enough sleep you can cope with anything” unfortunately at the moment our little bundle of joy is teething again and is suffering all the classic symptoms. Wednesday night she woke at 01:30 and mommy and me took shifts until 05:30 when she finally went back […]

Lazy Sunday….

Peek a boo Sunday morning was strange because I woke up feeling pretty good considering how much we drank the previous day and that’s good because Reagan could not care less if your ill whether self inflicted or not she just wants mom or dad to come get her and change and feed her so […]

Thanksgiving (The hostess with the mostess!)

On Friday morning Jamie began her Thanksgiving meal by going shopping for the bajillionth time to get some bits she had thought of and began cooking at midday when I returned home from work she was still cooking. I washed up some of the pots she’d used but everything was under control so I left […]

Car Car Car

“Car Car………Car………Car Car Car …………Car……… Car Car” is so cute when you hear Reagan say “car” at dinnertime or when you get home from work “Car……Car…..Car” not so cute at 5am? I had to laugh though this morning at 05:50 because we were in her room while mommy was still in bed and we were laying nose to […]

Baby no more

 Reagan was merrily pushing herself around the yard on her baby walker (I will get a video asap) when I got home at dinnertime, she is growing up so fast aided by her Mom allowing her to flourish at every opportunity. People are aghast sometimes when they see how much she can already do, but Jamie just moves […]