Reagan tries to eat mommy?
Calm down Reagan!
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But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3028 entries already.
Calm down Reagan!
We got a few inches of snow on Saturday morning and sub zero temps! OK I’m smiling now take the photo I’m ffffreezing my ass off here! That’s better Snug as a Bug in a Rug!
We took Reagan to see Santa today and saw Rudolf and gave him our wish lists we just need to keep our fingers crossed now!
Where did 2 years go and how much has happened in those 2 years? I remember meeting Jamie at Manchester airport 15th December 2008 knowing it was THEE biggest thing she could ever do, a leap of faith with all the faith in me….the person I told her I was and actually was online? 4500 […]
After a couple of tough weeks of teething this morning Reagan’s first front top tooth burst into view, I say tough but she has been a trooper throughout aided in most part by mommy and dad did his bit too! Just hope she doesn’t start with another until next year. Don’t lick the window…you window […]
The REAL Santa Claus came to visit last night! “Santa Claus this is Reagan Grace and she’s been a good girl, pleasecome back on the 25th with some presents!” “Santa, who?”“I’m not sure ma, he has to earn my love like everyone else!”“Oh I think he will in a couple of weeks, Reagan!” “Ah, I […]
I love bathtime Oooo camera, look cute! …even cuter! Mom whats dad done to me ‘fro? “That’s my girl, and I love her!”NICE DO LITTLE DUDE
Everything under control Reagan playing with a box full of toys in front of the babysitter or as its commonly known CBEEBies, lamb in the oven along with parsnips roasting a pan full of taters on the stove coming nicely to boil and about to pour boiling water over the sprouts (I know sprouts and […]
I noticed last night that even though we had the heating on all night Reagan’s room was cold and while I sat there in the dark with me arm over the cot side and Reagan laying on her side gripping my thumb and little finger tightly as a comforter while she drifted off to sleep […]
Back to work today full of the joys of….well cold frosty winter boo! At least its dry! Reagan and myself feeling a lot better yesterday as you probably saw from the video’s I posted both of us went through the mill for a while but we’re back I think. Yesterday was more recovery for me […]
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.