Entries by ALB1970

Hardest thing we ever did!

After realising that Reagan cries in the night and is quiet once we go to her we decided we need to break this cycle as we know there is nothing wrong with her! Last night we decided to let her cry for 15 minutes and then comfort her for a minute and leave her again. She woke […]

Something fishy!

You have got to be joking ma! What are theyand what the hell are they doing to your feet? Not sure Reagan but it feel wierd! It tickles Reagan There eating away at mine and Dads feet! For godsake don’t drop me then! You two are CARAYZEEE!Can I have fish fingers for tea ma? Jamie […]

Colds, table for 3, coming right up!

Reagan has had a chesty cough and a runny nose for a few days now but we know that was down to teething but as far as I know I don’t think either mom or dad are teething so I deduce from that, that we all woke up this morning with colds. A runny nose […]

Sleep or lack of it?

As I’ve said before in these blogs “if you get enough sleep you can cope with anything” unfortunately at the moment our little bundle of joy is teething again and is suffering all the classic symptoms. Wednesday night she woke at 01:30 and mommy and me took shifts until 05:30 when she finally went back […]

Lazy Sunday….

Peek a boo Sunday morning was strange because I woke up feeling pretty good considering how much we drank the previous day and that’s good because Reagan could not care less if your ill whether self inflicted or not she just wants mom or dad to come get her and change and feed her so […]

Thanksgiving (The hostess with the mostess!)

On Friday morning Jamie began her Thanksgiving meal by going shopping for the bajillionth time to get some bits she had thought of and began cooking at midday when I returned home from work she was still cooking. I washed up some of the pots she’d used but everything was under control so I left […]