Entries by ALB1970

Boxing Day 2010

On Boxing Day we were invited around to mums for the day along with Uncle Karl, Auntie Karen, Uncle Andy, Auntie Helen and Cousin Abs which is quite a full on family experience but nice to get together and have a laugh and a chat to everyone at once! “Everybody loves Reagan” especially Uncle Karl […]

Christmas Day 2010

Got up at 08:10 Jamie and Reagan still asleep so I went down stairs to put a pot of coffee on and returned to a waking Reagan and began to sort her out into a dry nappy and then we went to wake mommy. One thing I did notice when I went downstairs was HE’D […]

The perfect gift, because your beautiful Jamie!

The scene is: before 9am Christmas morning, the laptop is sat on the sofa with a two way video link to Grandma and Grandpa in Denver Reagan has opened some presents and now it’s mommy’s turn to open the one present I wanted to be perfect! It is three large black & white framed prints […]

Tooth number 4 welcome to the world! Cont’d

Although I wasn’t there for bedtime last night I was out winning a pool tournament (Awoot Awoot £27 going in the pot) I was told Reagan went to sleep quite quickly and did wake a couple of times but she then slept right through and only woke when mommy and daddy made enough noise to […]

Tooth number 4 welcome to the world!

I was informed at work today that Reagan’s top left tooth has broken through after a week of restless nights I hope this is the last teething for a while and we can have a laid back lie in every day type Christmas break now! Photos of said tooth will be difficult because she has […]

All she wants to do is walk!

Reagan is 33 weeks old and is about to crawl but if you offer her your hands she just grabs your fingers and is up and walking with your assistance and when she works out how to get there herself she will walk and crawling will be soooo yesterday. That won’t be long I bet!