Entries by ALB1970

Tooth number 4 welcome to the world! Cont’d

Although I wasn’t there for bedtime last night I was out winning a pool tournament (Awoot Awoot £27 going in the pot) I was told Reagan went to sleep quite quickly and did wake a couple of times but she then slept right through and only woke when mommy and daddy made enough noise to […]

Tooth number 4 welcome to the world!

I was informed at work today that Reagan’s top left tooth has broken through after a week of restless nights I hope this is the last teething for a while and we can have a laid back lie in every day type Christmas break now! Photos of said tooth will be difficult because she has […]

All she wants to do is walk!

Reagan is 33 weeks old and is about to crawl but if you offer her your hands she just grabs your fingers and is up and walking with your assistance and when she works out how to get there herself she will walk and crawling will be soooo yesterday. That won’t be long I bet!

Happy Anniversary!

Where did 2 years go and how much has happened in those 2 years? I remember meeting Jamie at Manchester airport 15th December 2008 knowing it was THEE biggest thing she could ever do, a leap of faith with all the faith in me….the person I told her I was and actually was online? 4500 […]

Pickle stabber appears!

After a couple of tough weeks of teething this morning Reagan’s first front top tooth burst into view, I say tough but she has been a trooper throughout aided in most part by mommy and dad did his bit too!  Just hope she doesn’t start with another until next year. Don’t lick the window…you window […]