Entries by ALB1970

How clean is your house?

So Reagan is now fully mobile having mastered the art of crawling and can explore the whole house almost safely…! I say almost, because everyone was right, the level of nice stuff in the house is being raised every time Reagan reaches something and boy does she reach EVERYTHING! I wonder just how amazing everything […]

Mommy’s Birthday

Reagan and I got up and went to wake mommy up so we could sing “Happy Birthday” to her and give her the cards we had written out and the present we bought. Mommy’s big smile when we went in made it all worth it because we could see she was really really happy, so […]

Being proud…

Jamie and me were talking during Reagan’s bathtime about our day and how it made us feel proud to see our child achieve something. Today as you’ll have seen Reagan began crawling and we were both there to see it happen. For half an hour it seemed like I held my breath watching her and […]

We are proud to announce forward motion!

We were so lucky this morning to be sat as a family having a lazy Sunday morning when Jamie noticed that Reagan was up on all fours rocking so I got the camera out and just started filming what was happening and we witnessed and got on film Reagan’s first actual proper crawl and the […]

Reagan at 8 months and a bit…

I ain’t showin’ me teeth no way! Don’t make me laugh mom! Damn…! Covered again sorted! Damn me bottom set too ? Be with you in sec dad, but there’s a camera! OK I know, forward…? Forward, not backwards! This is sooo much fun!

Reagan’s schedule (Cont’d)

At her seven month development appointment although she is over eight months old already the health visitor said going to Reagan when she wakes up is a mistake…not a bad one and certainly one nearly everyone makes, but a mistake all the same. She said that everyone sleeps in cycles of around 90minutes and as […]