Entries by ALB1970

Teething like a gud ‘un!

Just at the moment Reagan is not herself due to a stubborn tooth at the top on the left that refuses to break through the gum. Its gone on for nearly a week now and has caused sleepless nights (although more for Mom than me again soz dude) a facial rash a snotty nose and […]

An update because it’s been a while

Everyday we watch our daughter grow and develop into a little person, sometimes a little and on some days she blows you away with what she can do. We find it so wierd to see our little doing ordinary things like scratching her ear or rubbing her nose because she’s worked out thats what soothes […]

Splashing is THE BEST!

Last nights bath time was easily the most fun Reagan and me have had, we placed her in the tub and then Mom went to the bedroom leaving me to bath her but instead of getting on with the scrubbing we decided….well Reagan decided splashing was really fun and makes her giggle. …and boy did […]

Life in the UK test

Jamie passed the Life in the UK test today and made me very very proud, she just keeps on achieving everything  she strives for and with minimal help from me. In other words its all her doing, she does what ever it is on her own and I think thats amazing. So what this means […]