Me & Reagan
Me & Reagan having fun while mom sleeps!
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Me & Reagan having fun while mom sleeps!
Reagan has just started waving it goes something like this: Daddy leaves for work but before he goes kisses Reagan and Mommy then turns to Reagan and begins to wave say “bye bye”Mommy begins to wave saying “bye bye Daddy”Reagan looks at me and then mommy and then me and then back to mommy who […]
Thumbs up for your new hair mom! Dad, What if we fall? Reagan Grace
Well if you’re watching football dad me and mom are taking a nap.
I love you Caa! The Caa just tolerates it?
If Jamie texts me and asks “can I spend money?” I will always immediately text back “yes” because I know she’s in a shop wanting to pamper herself and ‘She’ thinks she ain’t worth it? She is worth every penny! She text today and asked exactly that and my answer was YES she came home and showed me her […]
I think the funniest thing at the moment is Reagan has learned how to laugh and I can make her squeal with giggling laughter just by being daft. Possibly even funnier is that now she knows what it is and that if Mom and Dad laugh they’re happy, she copies us and puts on the […]
My pool team Steventons last night won the Team Knockout Final which I’m pretty pleased about, you can read all about it at Related topics:
Last two nights have been a struggle for Reagan but on Wednesday night she was in so much discomfort she was moaning and fussing and just didn’t want to do any of the things she normally likes to do when we get home. So instead of cleaning tidying and making tea I picked her up […]
I admit that in my ‘previous’ life I was the LEAST tolerant of pram pushers IN THE WORLD! Who the hell do they think they are taking up all the pavement, blocking doorways while they struggle to get through it (and blocking all help, everyone trying to help but can’t get round them to hold […]
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.