Entries by ALB1970

My Brother

I am writing this because he gave me something, and it just made me realise just how much I love my brother and that it has absolutly nothing to do with what he just gave me? He asked me a week or two back if I wanted a copy of Windows 7 home premium to which […]

No morning bottle

We have noticed over the last couple of days that Reagan is not interested in her morning bottle and if she does have a drink of it, it’s not very much and we’re wasting the rest, she is however very interested in my breakfast of toast and a cup of coffee. No matter what she […]

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

Two years ago today Jamie became my wife and made me the happiest man in the world! Everyday since then I have become a little bit happier.I love being married to Jamie because its so easy, we are such a good match and a fantastic team.LOVE YOU to bits dude!Here’s to us and loads more anniversaries!

Breakfast at Reagan’s!

The first 4 minutes are probably more Grandma’s treat than an oscar winning film but if you can make it through those 4 minutes, you might want to turn your speaker right up to 10 for the last 10 second and see if you can make out what Reagan is trying to say!

Why is the carpet round the bog wet?

Gets ‘ome tonight…from the pub…needing to…shall we say “piss like a stores horse” I crept in and locked the door behind me and sorted me self before creeping upstairs, to find Jamie awake? Anyway, after sitting on the bed next to her and chatting for what seemed like ages I remembered I needed to go to the toilet. […]

Indefinite leave to remain! AWOOT AWOOT!

This morning began with tears…OF ABSOLUTE JOY Jamie spotted the post lady carrying a large envelope covered in stamps and recorded delivery stickers which she last saw 18 days ago as she sent it of to Liverpool’s immigration office with her application to stay in this country, she now calls her home, forever! “Oh my god Oh […]

It wasn’t me!

“…he puts his watch there because he doesn’t want you to break it, and if you do they’ll blame me, and they’ll send me to a cats home.I’m not looking this can only end in tears!”