About ALB1970
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3028 entries already.
Entries by ALB1970
Positive encouragement
Last few meal times have been a little tricky to say the least with Reagan throwing a fit waiting to be fed just being so impatient when she realises you’ve started cooking. Its funny if you think about it, she smells food so why can’t she have it, she has no concept of cooking time… […]
Yogi and Booboo
Well Jamie is off to pregnancy yoga for the first time without Reagan BOOOO she is oblivious that mommy has a new critter on the go so she’ll have to put up with spending her Saturday mornings with Dad? Jamie has been looking forward to being able to go back to Saturday morning yoga and […]
I’m forever blowing bubbles!
Pretty bubbles everywhere! “What you lookin’ at sucka?”
Sun’s out but its still cold
ZZZZz MMMM 🙂 Cozy warm here though!
Daddy’s home!
Reagan’s new activity table
It’s mine all mine and I love it!!! Pull all the faces you want ma, you ain’t havin’ a go! Too close Dad move away! “Teatime?” Well this is what Reagan and Dad think of that! OK, I get it! I’m outa here losers!
The Daz door step challenge
Jamie gets the washing out of the drier and puts it in the kitchen and took one item from it and held it up and said “Jeez Reagan, this was new on first time and its ruined already!” up on viewing the stain still apparent after being washed for an hour span for 15 minutes and […]
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.