Entries by ALB1970

My Dad in Print

Whatever your hobby or interest is, if it makes you happy its worth doing and if you’re really keen you want to be recognized for doing it! Mine is pool and it’s nice to win but far too often its the taking part that counts…? My Dad loves his small engines and the whole collecting […]

Little Miss Diagnosis?

We had a better night last night and mommy only had to get once at 3:30 (apparently?) and Reagan only needed a little cuddle and went straight back to sleep and but for a false alarm around 5:30 we all slept till nearly 9 Awoot awoot! Reagan was a little brighter but had lots of […]

Oh what a night!

After drifting off to sleep as always Reagan seemed happy when we left her at 8pm and went downstairs to watch TV at 11pm we decided to go to bed ourselves but just then we heard Reagan start to cry which quickly turn into a scream. We have just spent the whole night taking turns […]