Entries by ALB1970


The BBQ tea was a huge success we all had sausages some more than others, afterwards Jamie looked pregnant (and is!) I looked like Jamie (and isn’t?) and Reagan loved her first taste of BBQ pork and sweet chilli sausage. Moving swiftly on Jamie is asleep on the bed I was working on a new […]

Lazy Daze (Cont’d)

How many times over the coming months will my weekend blogs begin “Took Reagan out for a couple of hours this morning…” Sunday morning started at 04:50 with Reagan crying, not sure why but suspect she was just awake and lonely so mommy took one for the team and got up with her although I […]

Anyone for sweetcorn!

OMG REAGAN NO! came the cry from upstairs…..! No pictures, no detailed description just your own imagination is all that’s required here! Upon leaving the bathroom, Mommy was reacting to seeing Reagan chewing a piece of sweetcorn last seen at teatime last night…..?

Lazy daze

Took Reagan out for a couple of hours this morning while mommy went to pregnancy yoga, although I had to fix a puncture on the pram first. Now this is the first puncture we’ve suffered since the great ‘puncture repair kit shortage’ of 2010 Once done we went in to town and met lots of […]


We treasure every moment we have with Reagan but there comes a point when mommy and daddy need to recharge their batteries and if that doesn’t coincide with Reagan needing to recharge her batteries it can get tough! Bedtime routine works 99% of the time we have tea we go upstairs to run a bath […]

Mamma’s cravings

Apple fritters where yesterdays \ todays craving and Jamie left this morning for Crewe having Googled the recipe and made a list of her missing ingredients. Got home at dinner time Reagan was sat in her high chair eating her dinner with her face covered in half of it… and mamma was at the table […]