Entries by ALB1970

Forkin fun!

Every night we sit and eat tea together which Jamie and I really think is important family time and a very important meal because its when we all eat the same food. Reagan is so observant and realises eating with a fork is what mom and dad do so she wants to eat like we […]

My Life Changing

This blog is titled MY LIFE CHANGING and over the next few weeks and months it is about to change again quite considerably. It is well documented where I was before Jamie entered my life and certainly well documented what has happened since, getting a visa, getting married, kermie, Reagan…oh my….Reagan lol! We are now […]

Our big girl :-)

Mommy just took Reagan to be weighed and measured and the tale of the tape is: 30″ Tall & 27.7lbs That is right where she should be on her growing curve so all’s well!


After a very tiring but brilliant day at the zoo we had invited Nannie Uncle Karl and Auntie Karen to share Reagans party tea We had a dress rehearsal yesterday when Grandad and Nannie Liz came round with cards, presents and CAKE! All in all I think she enjoyed what we did for her on […]