Entries by ALB1970

No Trains Planes or Automobiles

Lazy day yesterday started of with a walk to Einstein’s Bagels an experience both Jamie and me had looked forward to for months lol Not everyone’s holiday highlight but going out for breakfast is something Jamie misses when in England While there we saw a lady fall over really hard on some water and hobble […]

Road Trip Day 4

Deadwood at 04:30am is a lonely town, although we didn’t leave the hotel room, I can imagine it is unless you’re winning in the casino’s and then I suppose you’d have lots of friends….? We got up with Reagan who upto now has been a star considering she is as jet-lagged as us but she […]

Road Trip Day 3

Day 3 began at 4:30am when the fricking radio alarm went off playing rock music at full tilt but only for a second as four pairs of hands smashed it to smithereens! It began again at 7am with a more pleasant shower and breakfast in the hotel before heading back out on to I90 to […]

Road Trip Day 2

After Chicago we went on the interstate to Dekalb (The birthplace of barbed wire) to stay with Troy, Jamie’s cousin, and Angela live with their wonderful family Ella Joe and Sydney who’s hospitality was overwhelming. We arrived after travelling for hours tired sweaty and in desperate need for a shower and a bed in that […]

Road Trip Day 1

I really feel like I am some sort of high flying exec sat her 36000feet above the atlantic typing away in word but what bursts that particular bubble is Reagan and Mommy snoring away in the seats next to me . Our holiday has begun but it doesn’t feel like it at the moment because […]

Booked it, Packed it…

Well as I sit here and finally have a calm half an hour the girls are downstairs asleep after returning from me mums where we had a lovely big Sunday dinner. The cases are packed and just need taking downstairs ready for the off tomorrow at 5am we just need to sort our carry on […]