Entries by ALB1970

Jet lag is killing us….

Since returning home on Tuesday we have all suffered jetlag and Mommy and Reagan have a cold too, so its been especially hard to recover 🙁 When we got home momma was finished, just nothing left in the tank so she went to bed while Reagan played in the living room watching CBeebies. I wanted […]

And now the end is near

Although there will be more posts about our trip my thoughts now are only about the heartbreak of leaving and how sad it makes everyone feel because we live so far away. When we started this whole adventure we thought these feelings were for Jamie’s leaving party at the end of 2008 Little did we […]

The day Reagan visited ENVESTNET!

We went to Pam’s place of work today to allow Pam to show off her Grandchild, amazingly everyone recognised Reagan from the photo’s she apparently show everyone everyday as they pass her desk. Reagan loved seeing all the people and was smiling all day unlike Grandma who was positively beaming she was so proud. It […]

Walking in Denver

Something that I should blog about Reagan’s progress is that she is now so close to walking. Since we arrived in Denver she has gone from constantly holding on to something for balance to doing things with both hands while leaning and now I am watching her stand unaided for short periods and actually walking […]

4D Iggy

We went to get a 4D scan done today and I know we want to see a perfect 4D picture but both Reagan and now Iggy were very illusive 🙁 Iggy did not want to play today and if he wasn’t buried in Mommy’s placenta there was an arm a leg or a cord covering […]

Lets play ball

Today was planned months ago, the Rockies verses the San Francisco Giants at Coors Field. Now baseball is not my game but I love sports so I was looking to watching my first live game and after a few questions answered by Jamie the game began and I was soon understanding what was going on […]

Vacation Vacation Vacation

Since the hullaballoo of Sunday we have seriously gone into holiday mode lazing around the house and local area doing basically…nothing! It’s fantastic to watch Grandma and Grandpa with Reagan and see how much all three of them enjoy it, it is also nice for Jamie to spend time with her parents. Then there is […]