Entries by ALB1970

Baby no more :(

I sit here writing this after a bedtime change, we decided a while ago that when we return from holiday we need to move Reagan along at bedtime but until the last few days she has been far from settled so we had put it off. I think also I haven’t wanted to because I […]

No time or inclination?

I hate me life being up tipped and since we got back from the States it has been, with jetlag, teething, a new job, finding a second car the list goes on! I am someone who thrives on routine and knowing what I am doing because that’s what I always do. That may sound boring […]

A bit of dirt…

“A bit of dirt never hurt anybody” Arrived home tonight to find mommy on the front yard talking to our neighbour, who is also pregnant, while Reagan sat by the doorstep playing in soil. It was the first time I had seen her enjoying getting her hands dirty in the mud. She was loving feeling […]

Cold summer, warm fire!

It’s the last day of May and it’s freezing so we lit the fire, which hasn’t been lit since last year so Reagan had never seen or felt it working and it was fascinating to watch her. It had been lit for a while so the room was warming up when she crawled past and […]

Schedules and routines

Jamie made a comment yesterday “I want the old Reagan back, because this is hard work!” I was skeptical at just a few weeks old whether a schedule was right for Reagan and what benefits there would be, but as usual mommy was right. We have had it easy because of the schedule mommy set […]

One small step!

Well she did it, Reagan walked this afternoon! She was at me mums standing holding on to auntie Helen playing with a toy when Mommy called her she turned and wobbled over to Mommy everyone was not sure what they just saw so we encouraged her to walk back the way she came and although […]

This walking millarky ?

Quick update on Reagan walking, she isn’t! Although she is standing un aided a lot more now even in the bath as she points towards the toothbrushes reminding me we haven’t brushed out teeth yet lol (She actually does!) Mommy rang me yesterday to say she had just seen Reagan walk from the chair to […]

Sick to the back teeth?

lol ya right! after he finished writing this she screamed for over 2 hours! And not just baby crying like real head on screaming blue murder! I was at a complete loss as was dad finally aroudn midnight I went back in picked her up for a cuddle and just happened to stick my finger […]