Entries by ALB1970

Happy Father’s Day…to me!

I was made to feel very special this morning when my lovely daughter (with a little help from mommy) woke me at 08:30 with some presents for fathers day and a big kiss! Not expecting anything made it such a surprise and I was bowled over to recieve Tommy after shave, some photo’s in a […]

Stand up, lay down

Reagan and I have this routine worked out now at bedtime, it goes something like this Reagan says goodnight to mommy and mommy leaves. We then settle down for a bottle and a story from our chosen book then Reagan stands up and I lay her down…we repeat this cycle three or four times until […]

Were any saints parents?

Ok a valid question of all the saints that ever existed, were any of them parents and if so were they ever tested by their children to the point where they actually swore? “Its enough to make a saint swear!” Well I’m no saint…..yet, but I am sure it’s only a matter of time before […]

Cozy Ducky

We just got back from a lovely sunny walk Reagan is wrapped up tight in one of Aunty Em’s ducky blankets and I am watching hail stones as big as marbles pound the garden? I guess the rest of Saturday will be spent in doors 🙁

Walking (The Movie, Pt1)

As you have seen over the last couple of days my blog is again being regularly updated again after a couple of baron weeks, tonight I have a couple of videos to show you the first is the long awaited walking video. It shows Reagan as she is now and she has been about the […]

Katie & Pete enter our lives?

Tonight’s bedtime book was “Follow the fish” by Katie Price about a pirate called Pete and a mermaid called Katie which I wasn’t too impressed with as a bedtime book because there was no story, it was more of a learning to count type, joining in book which meant I needed to be a bit […]