About ALB1970
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3028 entries already.
Entries by ALB1970
Bodily functions
I have noticed recently that Reagan is becoming increasingly aware
Living on the edge doooood!
No little dudes were harmed in the making of these to films. Anyone of a nervous disposition should look away now!
Reagan stop climbing!
Posted from BlackBerry by ALB1970.
It’s just easier!
Just visited Grandad in Sandbach where Reagan had loads of fun but had to fight sleep all the way so as soon as we got into the car to come home she fell asleep! Now mommy was at home having some Mommy time and I wanted Reagan to stay asleep when I arrived home so […]
Picture the scene
Just had a family laugh in at bathtime, imagine the scene Reagan is in the bath and I am kneeling next to the bath splashing and playing while Reagan grins with joy. Mommy is sat in the bedroom howling with uncontrollable laughter while reading funny stories and Reagan is listening so as she always does […]
Mommy’s tummy
Right, so I’ve been asked for a few tummy shots from some family but didn’t want to put the nudey ones on facebook! Here you go this is me and our boy on Wednesday night. It says 30 weeks but it’s 31 on Thursday so…. Love Mommy
Fedup to the back teeth
Poor little mite has 3 teeth just not quite through and doesn’t it show 🙁 Posted from BlackBerry by ALB1970.
Scan day for number 2
Had a scan this morning on mommy’s tummy and saw iggy again. He is absolutely fine and really filling out now with a geustimated weight of 4Lbs 1oz and 9 weeks left to grow I think he’s on coarse. lol Mommy is doing fine too although as she puts it “ready for birth!” Its warm […]
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.