Entries by ALB1970

The strongest person I know

Jamie woke today as always being mommy from the moment her eyes open, Reagan is her life followed by me a very close second…very close! I went to work and it was a normal day until she IM’d me to say she was upstairs with knickers adrift bent double and needs me immediately… Awoot Awoot! […]

Annoying doubts

I hate doubting myself but sometimes unconsciously doubts creep in and I can’t shake them off…and then it becomes conscious and it gets worse because things snowball in me head and it’s very difficult to see positives? I’m talking about being Reagan’s dad. Over the last couple of days it’s been difficult to enjoy being […]

Sunday morning Timmy

With mommy getting some well earned extra rest Reagan and me got up and went downstairs to have some breakfast. It was 07:30 so we knew we only had 30 minutes until “the big event” so I gave Reagan some apple juice and made a pot of coffee letting that filter while I gave her […]

Pizza and a movie

We decided to ask Nannie to babysit Reagan last night and go out as a couple for the evening to eat pizza and watch a movie. We drove to Crewe and had a pizza in pizza hut and generally chatted and enjoyed each others company without having to worry about our little “bundle of joy” […]

Counter productive

Counting is the new thing in Reagan’s world, she CONSTANTLY chatters to herself and anyone else who is prepared to listen even though to the untrained ear it makes no sense but to us it has meaning and everyday it becomes more varied and her range improves. The mimicking of sounds is fascinating and she […]

I love her but why does she stress me so?

Reagan has got to be the best thing Jamie and me have done upto now and I love her with every single beat of my heart but she is in a stage right now where she whines cries and sometimes screams when she doesn’t get her own way, which I appreciate happens with all children […]

Watering the plants

Came home for lunch today ate me butties and talked to mommy (who was sewing, like normal!) then Reagan and me went outside to water the plants on the patio and enjoy a bit of sun!