Entries by ALB1970

Baby shower for Jamie

For a while now there were secret notes and messages being passed between Jamie’s friends and me about the arrangements for a baby shower but it all went quiet and I thought how disappointing if they didn’t do anything but because I was busy at work I couldn’t really plan anything myself. I needn’t have […]

No-one has it better than me!

I am not religious I don’t have a god I don’t consider myself lucky, quite the opposite actually! My life up to now has been a roller-coaster of ups and downs, right now there isn’t a person on this earth that has it better than me….I wish we had more money but would I be […]

Our Lego Tower by Reagan and Dad

We spent an hour playing at numerous things last night when I got home, while Mommy was upstairs pampering herself, it was an absolute joy to spend quality time with Reagan just messing about. One of our best games was building a lego tower because not only did it entail building the tower it also […]


We worry a lot about Reagan’s eating habits and are very wary that we can make her a picky eater or just flat refuse to eat if we don’t make meal times fun and the food varied but over the last few days she has been extra fussy not eating much of what we put […]

Sunday morning family walk

It was a lovely morning yesterday so we decided to go for a family walk along the canal upto Norman’s Wood where there is a bench to sit on and watch the world pass by. Here are a few of the photo’s we took

Getting sun on our bellies.

Sometimes its just nice to kick back and relax and let the world just pass you by with the sun on your belly! If you look back to the blog 03/04/2010 we did the same thing with Reagan before she was born too