Entries by ALB1970

Our very last scan!

We went to our “LAST” scan today. It is literally our last scan because we believe Lincoln will complete our family (for us our perfect future) and then I will as I call it get me “winnocks clipped” as soon as he is safely in this world and in our arms. We went to see […]

Creatures of the night

This was Friday night and a planned excursion into town for a girls night out Both ladies were ready for a good night out Jamie was desperate to drink but couldn’t and Kerry could but found out the next morning she couldn’t LOL!

The strongest person I know

Jamie woke today as always being mommy from the moment her eyes open, Reagan is her life followed by me a very close second…very close! I went to work and it was a normal day until she IM’d me to say she was upstairs with knickers adrift bent double and needs me immediately… Awoot Awoot! […]

Annoying doubts

I hate doubting myself but sometimes unconsciously doubts creep in and I can’t shake them off…and then it becomes conscious and it gets worse because things snowball in me head and it’s very difficult to see positives? I’m talking about being Reagan’s dad. Over the last couple of days it’s been difficult to enjoy being […]

Sunday morning Timmy

With mommy getting some well earned extra rest Reagan and me got up and went downstairs to have some breakfast. It was 07:30 so we knew we only had 30 minutes until “the big event” so I gave Reagan some apple juice and made a pot of coffee letting that filter while I gave her […]