Entries by ALB1970

No news is…actually no news?

Not found time over the last couple of days to blog yet I would think most of the people that read this blog would have been looking and checking…? Yesterday was “The due date” and I for one didn’t think we’d get there but I am sat here now with Jamie 40+1 and thats not […]

Almost due but not yet?

Jamie is getting a bit frustrated now with only a day to go until her due date, even though I think she is doing fantastic. Branston Pickles are annoying regular and ver severe at times but fade away just when we think it’s game on? Yesterday we had an excelent midwife / consultant appointment at […]

I’m in heaven, again!

After bathtime tonight we dried Reagan off, lotioned her and dressed then instead of laying her in bed and reading a story Jamie suggested I lay in the chair and cuddle with Reagan, which is something I really enjoyed and really really miss at bedtime. So I laid on the chair with Reagan on my […]

Pampered Pregnoid!

Sometimes when you’ve had enough and just need to relax in the sun with a cool breeze wafting over you, an ice cold drink to hand and your kindle there if you want it….I can accommodate…and maybe just maybe you can forget just for a second that you’re 4 days from your due date and […]

Two beds are better than one!

When Jamie saw the EXACT same cot bed as Reagan’s for half the price we bought it staright away and on Saturday morning we \ I assembled it with a little help from Reagan:

A Perfect Day (Almost)

Sometimes you don’t even have to try and you have a fabulous day, and yesterday was one of those days! No, our son wasn’t born but that was the only reason why it wasn’t PERFECT? We all had a lie in until almost 9am then took our time over breakfast before getting ready and setting […]