Entries by ALB1970

Mamma mohito

Jamie in asda earlier like a kid in a candy shop, in need of a Mohito Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Footings poured!

Now when I imagined my two weeks off I invisaged getting all those little jobs done that have been waiting to be done for ages but in reality mommy and Reagan have taken up all my time as mommy has been recovering and feeding Lincoln. So over the last couple of days although still very […]

Chateauneuf du pape with steak!

We had a plan to open our bottle of Chateauneuf du pape 2008 after Lincoln’s arrival so on Saturday night we decided to get a couple of Steak fillet Mignot and some fresh mushrooms from the butchers and celebrate properly with a nice meal too . Wecome Lincoln!

Lincoln asleep

It’s bliss when he sleeps because it means mommy gets a rest, but he is getting a lot better last night we started with an hour then a feed followed by another hour then a feed then around four he drifted off until 07:04 which was just fantastic! It meant we all got some good […]

My Life Changing LOL WOW!

A couple of friends stopped me in the street as I pushed Reagan into town and one of them said “I bet you didn’t think your life would turn out like this did you?” I have to admit when I named my blog ‘My Life Changing’ I thought it would change and that would be […]

The “Supa Straw”

Breast feeding requires Jamie to take on lots of fluids because if she’s not hydrated then her milk will dry up! Breast feeding also makes her tired so I had an idea! Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

What a great day!

We just had the day like I dreamed the days would be after Lincoln arrived, I had to go pick up a new buggy from Stalybridge when I picked it up I new we had paid top dollar considering the “used” condition but £90 for a Phil & Teds E3 Double buggy is still a […]