Oooo is that a smile?
Our quest at the moment is to chang the worlds impression of Lincoln and get a photo that he isn’t serious in!
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But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3028 entries already.
Our quest at the moment is to chang the worlds impression of Lincoln and get a photo that he isn’t serious in!
Just a quick note on Reagan, she has 8 teeth to come through and 2 of them are really close at the moment and with them is a nice snotty nose and unsettled nights…o please are we being tested? She is a star though and it takes mommy to spot the problem straightaway so at […]
We decided that for me to get any sleep or enough to function at work all day I will sleep on the living room floor which isn’t as bad as it sounds when I take the base cushions off the sofa and create a bed, add a pillow and a blanket and its OK! What […]
Where do I start, what happened in the last 15 days? Was it a dream will I wake up and find…oh wait you have to be a sleep to wake up…aaahhh sleep I remember that feeling. It’s been an absolute rollercoaster Lincoln, the moment you were born I was holding your momma’s hand just praying […]
Our son is so serious lol he is adorable but jeez crack a smile dude and chillax!
It has been so hot all week we have managed to go for a walk everyday and it usually ended at a pub for a fold one….or two!
It’s boiling here in sonny Middlewich so we have been outside ALL day! Lincoln is having his tea alfresco and mommy Reagan and me will be BBQing shortly! Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.
Its tough to cuddle Lincoln just to be screamed at constantly and loudly and no matter what I try he just gets louder and louder. All I want is to love him and give Jamie a break but he is so needy for mommy and it seems no-one else will do especially not me, so […]
Oh Lincoln you make dad so happy! Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.
This photo is how I wish Lincoln could be more often, I look at the photo’s we have of him at the moment and although there are a lot but there would be a lot more if he could just chillout a little more. It’s difficult to take photo’s of him when he is either […]
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.