Entries by ALB1970

Stressed, oh man!

Its 06:15 and I have just spent the last two hours getting Lincoln to sleep finally succeeding but now I am so pissed off and tired that I couldn’t sleep even if I tried! That was so stressful and unrewarding, when the house is quiet everything is amplified even stress levels. He is now sound […]

Tough times

We are finding so hard to get through each day, and I purposely say it like that because at the moment we are just ‘getting through’ each day. I think Jamie is finding it tougher than me because, although Lincoln really is a different baby from two weeks ago, he is very colicly and almost […]


Ian and Patty are probably my favourite people and we ALWAYS look forward to seeing them so when they said they would like to come and meet Lincoln but would also like it to be surprise for Jamie we decided they should sneak up to the house upon their arrival. I won’t go in to […]

Lincoln is improving

Lincoln is asleep on the sofa and has been there for nearly an hour with any contact with momma or dad he is just sleeping… Its so good to see mommy being free from him and him being content and relaxed apart too. I know that we still have tough nights ahead but at 18 […]

4+2+2= A Very happy momma

I went out to play pool last night and left Jamie holding the baby’s so to speak although I was only gone an hour or so I had formulated a plan in me ‘ed to take Lincoln for a couple of hours allowing Jamie to “Go to bed!” So upon arriving home at around 10:15 […]

My heart melted

I got home last evening and greeted my family as usual loving all of them and quickly went outside with Reagan to make the most of the clement weather. We were at the bottom of the garden when Reagan pointed behind the shed and said “ball” then looked at me? When she did it again […]

Rollercoaster times

A tough one to write this because if I had written it at 9am this morning I would have gushed with pride and how special I felt because at around 04:30 I joined Jamie and Lincoln in bed and after supporting Jamie and reassuring her at her most stressful time I was able to take […]

Guilty sleep

Until bedtime tonight I could not see anything other than good in what I was doing. For me I had come up with the perfect answer to being able to go back to work with some chance of staying awake and for the rest of my family to sleep also, sleeping downstairs was the very […]