The kids
This photo cracks me up, Lincoln looks petrified?
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This photo cracks me up, Lincoln looks petrified?
He is such a different baby to just a week ago even but vastly different from 2 weeks ago last night was another good sleeping night for all of us and although I am again sat downstairs allowing Jamie some rest he is asleep next to me happy and that means a lot to me […]
Jamie called me at work very weepy and upset to tell me she had lost her phone, its an expensive item but easily replaceable and in the big scheme of things something her or me should never worry about. Its annoying and an expense we could do without right now but its only money… The […]
Jamie’s friend Kerry invited all the children to a halloween fancy dress party so we rang Grandma and asked her to send us a unique costume for Reagan that no-one else would have and Reagan loved it lol
The corner I think has been turned as we again had a pretty regular night although he was a little more fussy than previous nights which kept mommy awake a little more than she’d like but I am taking him at 6ish giving her some quality rest which as she says “gets her through the […]
Tonight was a good night, we put Reagan to bed and went downstairs so Jamie could feed Lincoln whilst watching X-Factor and I went to the kitchen to cook the two steaks I bought in town earlier. We sat and ate our steaks and washed them down with some red wine and all the while […]
Night 3 went well with everyone again getting a bit more sleep but Lincoln still feeds every hour or so and is difficult to wind meaning its still all Jamie during the night but we do sleep between feeds so its nice to be able to take him downstairs around 7am and allow Jamie some […]
Sat here on the sofa at 06:15 with a sleeping Lincoln in my arms you might be forgiven for thinking last night didn’t go too well…? It’s still early (if you’ll excuse the pun) but it’s very much down to Jamie to feed him and because she is right next to him try and settle […]
Lincoln went to the Salinae Centre today and he now weighs 11lbs 9.5oz a gain of 9.5oz WELL DONE Mommy! Midwife comment today was “Your producing some good stuff there Jamie!” Lincoln weight history: 27 Oct 2011 – 11lbs 9.5oz 20 Oct 2011 – 11lbs 0oz 13 Oct 2011 – 10lbs 7oz 06 Oct 2011 […]
Its not really a routine but after seeing the health visitor today wewere told not to let Lincoln rule our lives and to start ruling his. We know that is not going to be easy but she is right we need to get him sleeping upstairs and we need to sleep in the same bed […]
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.