Entries by ALB1970

Lack of photo’s apology!

I am sat downstairs on the laptop mommy is upstairs asleep, Lincoln is asleep on the sofa next to me Reagan in her cot upstairs I have all the photo’s and video’s on the PC upstairs but can’t connect to it to publish them. There loads to publish right now but unfortunately until I get […]

Lincoln makes me happy (& so does Reagan)

Last night was the definately the best night we have has since Lincoln was born, all I am going to tell you about is the positives he was a contented child that let us know if something was wrong but did’t scream accepted being changed and took mommy’s breast and drifted off to sleep soon […]

Reagan actually makes sense

Over the last couple of days Reagan’s vocabulary has started to expand, the word “ta” has been mastered for a while and “Daddy” has been used to excess. “Ma” not so much but she could say it if she is in the mood. “Baba” when patting Lincoln is so cute when he’s awake and not […]

Weighed in! (6 week check up)

Lincoln went for his scheduled 6 week check up this morning and measured 23″ long and weighed 12lbs 7oz a gain of 13.5oz since “6 days” ago (his normal weigh day is tomorrow) His head circumference is 16″ He is on the 80th percentile for weight and the same for height which is perfect. The […]

Sunday lunch at Playbarn…awoot awoot!

We went to the Salt Cellar for lunch on Sunday and at a huge meal each but then went into the playbarn next door and took it in turns to chase after Reagan. We both went home lighter than we were on Sunday morning, jeez she is fast and has a never ending supply of […]